Evil Seeds

Evil Seeds

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

-Classes/Weapons and Character customize in general-

Although the appearance of the Main Chars can not be changed-
Nevertheless, one can customize the Main Char by Classes and Choices.

Choose one of the 9 classes.
each class brings you its own weapon and armor set
and each weapon brings its own Skill set!

You want to be a class can withstand a lot and makes a lot of damage?
Maybe you take the Demolition Master!
He uses Heavy Armor and Explosive Guns for High Damage!
If u if you rather want to play classes with High Damage and don't care about Heavy Armor...
why not pick the Camper Class! Very High Damage but almost zero DEF.

-Class Balance-

Despite their different values the classes are all balanced!
they only have all their own style.

Has a class much ATK as gets them deductions to other values​​.

at the end they all have the same bonus numbers​​. only on different values!

-Class Overview-

This shows you on witch Value the Classes are focusing:

Class: Camper
Class: Demolition Master
Class: Destoryer
Class: Gunslinger
Class: Medic

Class: Tank
Class: Wilderer
Class: Agent
Class: Assault

-Weapons and Armor´s-

There are 3 Armor types:
Cloth,Light and Heavy.

Cloth Armor: You are Fast and do lots of Damage, but brings you almost no protection!
Light Armor: average Bonuses, this set is very balanced.
Heavy Armor: Much protection but its slows you down!

Melee Weapons:
Sword, Axes, Clubs

Range Weapons:
Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Machine Guns, Snipers, Explosive, Bio-Lasers.

each Weapon brings it own Skill set!

thats it for today!
working really hard on Alpha V2.
see ya :)

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